Page 9 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 9
The scientific name of the picture on the side is
"Bathybius Haeckelii", that is, "Haeckel Mud".
Ernst Haeckel, an ardent proponent of the
theory of evolution, came to observe the mud
dredged up by an exploratory vessel and
thought that it closely resembled some cells
he had seen under a microscope. Thus, he
claimed that it is an inanimate material that
turns into a living organism. Haeckel and his
associate Darwin believed that life was
simple enough to be formed out of inanimate
material. 20th century science demonstrated,
Ernst Haeckel
however, that life can never arise from lifelessness.
The findings of the French biologist Louis Pasteur put an end to this belief. As
he put it: "The claim that inanimate matter can originate life is buried in history for good." 2
After Pasteur, evolutionists still maintained that the first living cell formed by chance. However,
all experiments and research carried out throughout the 20th century ended in failure. The
"chance" formation of a living cell aside, it has not even been possible to produce a living cell by
a conscious process in the most advanced laboratories of the world.
Therefore, the question of how the first living organism emerged puts the evolutionary claim
into a quandary right at the first step. One of the chief defenders of the theory of evolution at the
molecular level, Prof. Jeffrey Bada, makes this confession:
Today as we leave the twentieth century, we still face the biggest unsolved problem that we had
when we entered the twentieth century: How did life originate on Earth? 3
While invalidating the theory of evolution, the law "life comes from life" also shows that the first
life on earth came again from life, which means that it was created by God. He is the only One
Who can give life to inanimate matter. In the words of the Qur'an, "It is He Who brings out the
living from the dead, and brings out the dead from the living." (Surat ar-Rum: 19)
GENERATION: A Renowned evolutionist Alexander Oparin came up with
MEDIEVAL SUPERSTITION the idea of "chemical evolution" at the beginning of the
One of the superstitious 20th century. This idea holds that the first living cell
beliefs held by medieval emerged by chance through some chemical reactions that
people was that inanimate took place in primordial earth conditions. However, no
matter could spontaneously evolutionist, including Oparin, was able to submit any
give rise to life. It was evidence to support the "chemical
believed, for instance, that evolution" allegation. On the
frogs and fish formed contrary, every new discovery
spontaneously from mud in the 20th century showed
lying in riverbeds. It was later that life was too complex to
revealed that this hypothesis, have originated by chance.
known as "spontaneous Well-known evolutionist Leslie
generation", was simply a Orgel makes this admission:
fallacy. However, though "(Examining the structures of
somewhat later and with a DNA, RNA and proteins),
slightly different scenario, one might have to conclude
this belief was revived under that life could never, in fact,
the name of "the theory of have originated by
evolution". chemical means." 4
The Origin of Life 7