Page 7 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 7
Darwin did not base his claim on any concrete evidence or finding. He just
made some observations and produced some ideas. He carried out most of
his observations on board a ship called the H.M.S. Beagle that had set sail
from Britain.
Darwin had serious doubts as he put forward his assertions. He was not so
confident of his theory. He confessed to there being many points which he
was unable to explain in the chapter titled "Difficulties On Theory". Darwin
had hoped that these problems would be solved in the future with the
progress of science, and made some projections. 20th century science,
however, disproved Darwin's claims one by one. The common point of
Lamarck's and Darwin's theories was that both rested on a primitive
understanding of science. The absence of various domains of science such as
biochemistry and microbiology at the time led evolutionists to think that
living things had a simple structure that could form by chance. Since the
laws of genetics were not known, it was
supposed that creatures could
simply evolve into new
The progress of
science overthrew all
of these myths and
revealed that living
things are the work of
a superior creation.
When Darwin put forward
his theory, not much was
known about the finer
details of living things.
And with the primitive
When Darwin put forward his theory, palaeontologists opposed him
microscopes of the time, it
the most. They knew that the "intermediary transitional forms"
was impossible to view the
which Darwin imagined to have existed, never existed in reality.
complex structures of life.
Darwin was hoping that this problem would be overcome by new
fossil findings. Palaeontology, on the contrary, invalidated Darwin's
theory more and more each day.
An Outdated View: The Theory of Evolution 5