Page 19 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 19
Ferris and Chen from the
Primitive earth contained USA repeated the
He used methane,
carbon dioxide and experiment with the gases
ammonia, and water
nitrogen instead of that existed at that time.
vapour in the experiment.
methane and ammonia. Not even one amino acid
was obtained.
With such an amount of
free oxygen available, the
He assumed oxygen to be Findings show that there amino acids would have
non-existent in the was a huge amount of free
oxygen in the primitive broken down, even if they
primitive atmosphere.
atmosphere. could have been formed.
There was a special It was impossible for these If the mechanism known as
mechanism set up to
synthesize the amino acids in kinds of mechanisms to the "Cold Trap" had not
the experiment. This have existed in nature. existed, the spark source and
mechanism, called the "Cold Under natural conditions, other chemicals released
Trap", isolated the amino acids amino acids are exposed to during the experiment
from the environment as soon all kinds of external would have destroyed the
as they were formed and
preserved them. destructive factors. amino acids.
1980's that Miller's Experiment and other "primordial atmosphere experiments" that followed it
have no meaning at all. After a long silence, Miller also confessed that the atmosphere medium
he used was unrealistic. 16
What's more, this whole fuss was simply about "amino acid formation". Even if amino acids had
formed, it is impossible for these simple organic molecules to give rise to extremely complex
structures such as proteins by chance and produce a living cell which even mankind is unable to
reproduce in laboratories today.
The fifty years that have passed since Miller's time have only served to further display the
despair the theory of evolution faces at the molecular level.
Inspired by Miller's
scenario, evolutionists
conducted different
experiments in the years
that followed. Sydney
Fox produced the
molecules seen in the
picture, "proteinoids" as
he called them, by
combining some amino acids. These useless amino acid
chains had nothing to do with real proteins that constitute
Today, Miller too accepts that
the bodies of living things. Actually, all these efforts not only
his 1953 experiment was very
showed that life did not come about by coincidence, but also
far from explaining the origin
that it could not be reproduced in laboratory conditions.
of life.
Miller's Experiment 17