Page 118 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 118

Adnan Oktar

                   This stage prompts a number of
              questions we need to ask our-
              selves. How can a plant realize
              that its leaves are being eaten by    The shedding        Production of toxic mole-
                                                    of leaves with
              insects? How can it distin-           parasites           cules against caterpillars
              guish   these   in-

              sects’—or other
              tions from among              Formation of
                                            hairs that keep
              thousands of chemical         away insects
              How does it
              know of the
              other insects
                                                 The way that a plant realizes that a
              that will prey
                                                  harmful insect has approached—
              on these, and                         and knows the chemical formula
                                                     that will neutralize the insect—
              which specific scents
                                                      are miracles of creation.
              will attract them—or that
              these scents will reach those insects by
              being carried by the wind? Moreover, how can the plant be sure that the
              insects it calls on will help, and not harm it? These plants have been flaw-
              lessly implementing the same defense system for millions of years, since

              the moment they were first created. Of course, plants themselves have no
              consciousness or intelligence with which to organize any such complex
              process in such an ordered, immaculate way, to calculate and plan or to
              manufacture the necessary chemicals. A plant cannot recognize the cater-
              pillars or insects that eat it. It does not even have the intelligence to know
              what a scent it. It is clear that the plant has no consciousness-related prop-
              erties such as understanding or recognizing anything. Certainly, all these
              attributes have been created and bestowed on the plants by Almighty

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