Page 113 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 113

Harun Yahya

              Giberellic acid is a hor-
               mone that controls plant
                growth. At left: plants
                 given this hormone; at
                  right: Plants to which it
                   was not administered.
                    The difference is ob-

                 Another point that must not be forgotten is that plants have no nerv-
            ous system. When you touch or taste an object various chains of commu-
            nication take place in your brain and nervous system. The decision for a
            conscious action is taken when memory will enter the equation. Yet
            though plants have no nervous system or memory, they still display very
            conscious reactions. They turn in a specific direction as if they could see
            sunlight, find the best foundations for their roots as if they could touch,
            and select the most beneficial substances for themselves from the soil as if
            they could taste. The apparent conscious intelligence behind this behav-

            ior belongs not, of course, to plants themselves, but to Allah, Who creat-
            ed them with a sublime intelligence.

                 An Intelligent Defense System

                 Plants resort to various means in order to protect themselves. They
            use thorns and shells in mechanical defense, and when these arms are not
            effective, they also employ special methods against potential enemies.
            Plants produce poisons or chemical weapons with an unpleasant taste.
            The best example of these is the superior defense system in nettles. The
            chemicals acetylcholine and histamine are brought together through a
            marvelous mechanism in injection hairs, located at strategic points. When

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