Page 112 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 112
Adnan Oktar
Researchers are still trying to establish how the sense of pressure
leads to the production of reinforced tissues. According to the most pop-
ular theory, when the plant is shaken, calcium ions pass from the vacuoles
that act as chemical depots to the cellular fluid. The flow of calcium is the
first action to take place when the plant moves or is touched. This move-
ment takes place in as short a space of time as one-tenth of a second. The
flow of calcium ions subsequently acts on the genes concerned with the
strengthening of the cell walls, and the region touched then grows thick-
er as the result of an exceedingly complex process. 46
The way that a plant possesses all the features it needs to survive
thanks to exceedingly complex systems is sufficient evidence that not
even a single leaf could possibly come into being by coincidence. Plant
cells are tiny entities with no awareness or information, too small to be
seen with the naked eye. These entities cannot wonder how to escape the
effects of the wind and then develop appropriate measures. Furthermore,
this system consists of components that set one another in motion, rather
like a domino effect. Cells cannot produce this system of their own will,
nor can coincidences create such a flawless plan and design. All these
things are some of the proofs of the existence of Almighty and Omniscient
As a result of research performed in various centers,
especially North Carolina Wake Forest University, it is al-
so thought that plants can perceive specific wave fre-
quencies or vibrations. For example, one experiment car-
ried out at Wake Forest observed that the normal sprout-
ing level of 20% in radish seeds rose to 80%-90% when
they were exposed to sound at a specific frequency for
long periods of time. Researchers think that giberelic acid,
the plant hormone that acts as a vehicle in seed sprout-
ing and shoot elongation is also responsible for sensing Radish
sound vibrations. 47 sprout