Page 109 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 109

Harun Yahya

                                                 Plants have receptors that enable
                                                  them to turn towards the light, work-
                                                   ing like a clock and permitting
                                                    plants to act in such a way as to
                                                     meet their needs. The umbrella-
                                                      shaped Acetabularia (at left) and
                                                      the cress (above) are examples
                                                       of these plants.

            In terms of a scientific explanation of what is taking place, there are two
            protein groups in the plant charged with seeing light. One of these two is
            the phytochrome, which comes in five varieties, and the other is the crypto-
            chrome, which comes in two varieties. These proteins are also receptors ca-

            pable of reacting to light. Thus they are also responsible for adjusting the
            plant’s internal clock according to the changes brought about by the light
            at every moment. 42
                 Plants do not live by sunlight alone; they have no taste buds with
            which to sample the nutrients they need, yet their roots must still do this
            in order to absorb minerals and nutrients from the soil. Research into the
            plant known as Arabidopsis (cress) has revealed that a gene identifies are-
            as in the soil rich in nitrate and ammonium salts. Thanks to this gene, the
            roots grow in the direction of nourishment, rather than haphazardly. This

            gene that identifies nitrates is known as ANR1. 43
                 Apart from this gene, another study at Texas University discovered

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