Page 104 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 104
Adnan Oktar
Evolutionist Illogicalities
As you have seen, a plant contains complex mechanisms squeezed
into spaces just millimeters in size. All these complex systems have been
working in the same impeccable manner in plants for millions of years. So
how have these systems been compressed into such a minute space? How
the complex design in leaves come into existence? Can such a perfect and
matchless design possibly have arisen spontaneously?
One theory regarding the formation of leaves proposed by evolution-
ists is the “Telome theory,” according to which leaves are the result of sep-
arate structures belonging to so-called primitive veined plants coming to-
gether and flattening out. However, the extraordinarily complex system
in the structure of just one of the many trillions of leaves on Earth is suf-
ficient to demonstrate the illogicality of this claim. Furthermore, this
groundless theory can be totally undermined by just a few simple ques-
tions. For example:
Why did these branches feel the need to join together and flatten out?
As a result of what process did this combining-and-flattening take
By what kind of coincidences did branches turn into leaves that are
completely different in their structure and design?
How did thousands of species of plants, trees, flowers and grasses
emerge from these alleged primitive veined plants?
Why was any biological need for such a variety?
How did these so-called primitive veined plants come into being
in the first place?
No evolutionist has so far been able to provide any logical, scientific
answer to even one of these questions.
Some who realized the quandary this theory was in have proposed a
new, but illogical, theory regarding the origin of plants. As always, they
gave their claim a Latin name to give it a scientific aura: the “Enation