Page 103 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 103
Harun Yahya
the amounts needed. The vacuoles that carry out these processes in a
flawless manner consist, like the other cells, of elements like carbon, hy-
drogen and oxygen, and are structures that can be seen only under the mi-
croscope. Although these cells work like storekeepers, they actually pos-
sess none of the attributes a human storekeeper does. They behave as if
they knew what products they will accept, where they will place them,
where these products come from and where they will go, but they actual-
ly have no organs with which to see or have any knowledge of them. To
put it another way, we cannot plant a tree in front of a warehouse where
we keep valuable substances and make it responsible for the comings and
goings of the merchandise. The vacuole is an unconscious component of
this unconscious plant, too small to be seen with the naked eye, yet it car-
ries out all these jobs not of its own will or with its own intelligence, but
automatically, in the way inspired in it by Allah.
In addition to those just listed, many other structures perform differ-
ent tasks inside the leaf. Every one of them possesses very complex struc-
tures. As we shall soon see, these systems that come together inside a thin
leaf create photosynthesis, a most important function for life, and thus
make the planet habitable. In conclusion, no matter what part of the leaf
we look at, we are still dealing with a delicate component of a special
structure designed for a particular purpose. There is no tissue in that de-
sign that does not serve a purpose or have a specific job to do. Various dif-
ferent systems, each with its own task, combine together in harmony for
a common purpose.
This magnificent machine that works on its own, uses air and water
as fuel, whose only aim is to produce nourishment, which can produce
copies of itself under all conditions and in all environments in addition to
having vitally important fragrance, color and shape, is the work of a sub-
lime artistry—an example of the infinite knowledge and astonishing art-
istry of Allah.