Page 99 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 99

                          Perspiration  Xylem
                        Air outside the
                        leaf (lowest wa-
                         ter potential)

                                                 Xylem tubes provide some of a
                              Xylem (woody tissue)  plant’s most important supports.
                                                 This woody tissue’s hard structure
                                                 keeps the plant upright and also
                    (woody tissue)               transports water and minerals from
                       Root hair                 the soil.

                  Soil outside the                                        Phloem
                  root (highest water             Source: leaf  transportation    Xylem

                                                 Soluble food molecules
                                                 (substances) are trans-
                                                 ported in an active
                                                 manner from the
                                                 source to the phloems.
                                                 This reduces the water
                                                 potential there and
                                                 causes water to enter
                                                 the phloem from the
                                                 woody tissue.

                                                 The rising hydrostatic
                                                 pressure causes the
                                                 sap to be transported
                                                 in the phloem.

                                                 Food molecules are
            The tubes known as                   transported to the root
             phloem carry food-                  cells. This reduces the
         stuffs to the leaves and                water potential there
                                                 and causes the water
          water containing sugar                 to flow passively in the
          from them. The picture                 woody tissue.
           (right) shows the de-
          tails of this transporta-
                  tion process.
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