Page 101 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 101

Harun Yahya

                     The vacuoles being full creates water pressure that allows the plant to
                      hold itself upright.

                 How do substances in the vacuole come together to be stored with-

            out becoming mixed up with one another? For example, if you were to fill
            a bowl with perfumes, oils, alcohols, sugared water, dyes of various
            kinds, liquid rubber and salt water, they would soon mix with one anoth-
            er. This would take place even faster if these substances were confined un-
            der pressure. If we then tried to remove them when we needed these ma-
            terials individually, we would never obtain any results at all. We would
            need to resort to a refining process in a chemical laboratory in order to

            make these substances useable once more. Yet vacuoles have been per-
            forming this complex process, without any mistakes, since the day they
            were first created.
                 When it is time for flowers to assume their colors or to produce a fra-
            grance, they extract perfumes and send them to the requisite locations in

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