Page 108 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 108

Adnan Oktar

                   That is because any components or organs that existed before all the
              others came into being would serve no purpose at all on their own and
              would be eliminated as “vestigial.”
                   Therefore, to claim that any complex system in living things came
              about by means of small, consecutive coincidences is a violation of both
              logic and science, but it also contradicts the laws set out by evolutionists

              themselves! That being so, we are left with a second alternative: All the
              complex structures and systems in living things emerged fully formed,
              flawless and complete in a single moment. That means that they were cre-
              ated by Almighty and Omniscient Allah.
                   As with every living thing on Earth, totally flawless systems have
              been constructed in plants, and have come down to the present day with
              no changes whatsoever. All their features, from the shedding of old leaves
              to the way they seek the Sun, from their green color to the woody struc-
              ture in their stalks, from the existence of their roots to the emergence of

              fruits, are all quite matchless. It is impossible for present-day technology
              to produce better, or even similar, systems such as the process of photo-

                   The Senses in Plants

                   When we examine any plant closely, we encounter the most fascinat-
              ing systems. One of the most important of these is plants’ reaction mech-
              anisms. Though plants have no nervous systems, they can still be more
              sensitive than human beings in terms of certain senses. Plants do not pos-
              sess eyes like ours, but can see more than we do because they possess pro-
              teins consisting of light-sensitive compounds. Thanks to that, they can
              perceive those wavelengths we can see and those we cannot—their sensi-
              tivity to light is greater than that of the human eye. 41
                   Plants use this ability to determine such conditions as light intensity,

              quality, direction and duration—all essential for their growth and surviv-
              al. A plant’s daily life regulation is under the control of an internal clock.

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