Page 115 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 115
Harun Yahya
stances in its own tissues, with no external intervention. Moreover, every
plant produces a chemical suited to its own structure and purposes at the
appropriate time, and only when it needs to. There is intelligence, con-
sciousness, will, instant decision-making and technical knowledge in this
behavior. And plants have been doing this for billions of years, since be-
fore there were any human beings or any technology at all. So what pow-
er gives plants emerging from the soil these abilities and equips them
with these extraordinary properties? On its own, every piece of informa-
tion we learn about plants is enough to show us the existence, might and
infinite knowledge of Allah. And mankind is still learning about these liv-
ing creations of the infinite knowledge of Allah.
Researchers have recently discovered a new chemical group known
as jasmonates, responsible for transmitting alarm signals to other sections
of the plant. This signal-transmission system works in a manner similar to
that in mammals: When damage occurs in one region, the production is
It is not the plants
themselves, of
course, that obtain
poison with which to
defend themselves
by combining chemi-
cals together. This all
takes place thanks to
the design created in
them by Almighty
Allah, Who causes
plants to do what hu-
man beings cannot,
unless they have re-
ceived special train-