Page 17 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 17

HARUN YAHYA                      15

                 Exemplary Muslims live their lives according to the Qur'an, for it
            determines their value judgments, moral characteristics, and perspec-
            tives on life and other people. The same thing applies to their attitude to-
            ward the People of the Book, for they always approach them on a basis of
            tolerance, justice, and love. Thus, Muslims regard them not as the opposi-
            tion, but as devoted believers in God. Anything else would be a violation
            of the Qur'an, since many of them have a sincere belief in God and may

            therefore hope for salvation. All of the reminders presented in this book
            have been written with that in mind and with the intention of fulfilling
            God's order to "command what is good and avoid what is evil." Our
            goal is to show the erroneous nature of belief in the trinity and to help
            Christians see the truth, so that they will realize this error and abandon
            all beliefs that are incompatible with faith in the one God.
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