Page 19 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 19
hroughout history, God has sent prophets to lead
their people out of their mistaken beliefs and to the
path of true monotheistic belief by relaying God's reve-
lation to them. Although each religion contains different stip-
ulations, observances, and practices, their essence is always the same:
tawhid, which the Qur'an defines as "to believe in God as the One and
Only Deity." Someone who believes in tawhid knows that Almighty God
is the Lord of the worlds, that all people are totally dependent upon Him,
and that all beings have submitted to Him. To put it another way,
Christianity and Judaism, despite their corrupted forms, are built on the
foundation of absolute monotheism.
All members of these three religions who believe in God's existence
and oneness abide by the religion that our Lord revealed to Prophet
Abraham (pbuh). According to the Qur'an, his religion is a haneef (pure
natural belief) religion, and our Prophet (may God bless him and grant
him peace) was commanded to abide by it:
Then We revealed to you: "Follow the religion of Abraham, a man of
pure natural bel lief [haneef]. He was not one of the idolaters." (Surat
an-Nahl: 123)
The word haneef means someone who believes in and serves only God.
This is the attribute of Prophet Abraham (pbuh) that the Qur'an empha-
sizes as being haneef, for this great servant of God distanced himself from
his tribe's superstitious beliefs and turned solely to God. He also encour-
aged his tribe to abandon their pagan beliefs and idolatry. (For details,
see Harun Yahya, Prophet Abraham and Prophet Lot [Istanbul: Global
Publishing, 2005].)
The divine religion revealed to Prophet Abraham (pbuh) was main-
tained by sincere believers among his progeny: