Page 24 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 24
22 Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not A Son, of God
Almighty Lord as the One and Only. It may be described as follows:
F According to the belief in the trinity, God revealed Himself in
three distinct identities, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and
yet they are the same thing. In other words, the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit are God Himself, or God exists as the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit. According to this irrational and mistaken belief, each
of the three components of the trinity is God, and thus possesses the
same power and capacity. (Surely God is beyond that!)
F It is believed that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is the son of God, and
therefore possesses the same nature as God. This belief, known as
homoousian, states that the Father and the Son have the same essence.
F It is believed that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was not created, but came
from eternity as the son of God, was made flesh and became a
human being, and descended from heaven to bring salvation to hu-
manity through his crucifixion. This belief is known as incarnation.
The belief in the trinity, which is a mistaken one seeing our
Almighty Lord through a superstitious eye, ascribes divinity to Prophet
Jesus (pbuh), sent by God as a prophet to his people. However, despite
its many internal contradictions and anti-monotheistic nature, it still oc-
cupies a very important place in Christian belief. In fact, some Christians
consider it a "litmus test" for those who consider themselves to be
However, history shows that those people and communities who
rejected this erroneous belief and maintained that Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
was merely a human being and prophet of God have been dealt with
harshly. The evidence that such people produced from the New
Testament and the life of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was always ignored, and
people were forbidden to discuss such matters. As we shall see in the fol-
lowing chapters, opponents of belief in the trinity claimed that its propo-
nents openly ascribed partners to God. As a result, church authorities