Page 26 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 26
24 Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not A Son, of God
ment, which was born in the nineteenth century and stresses that
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will soon return, actually built their denomination
on Arian foundations (Arius a young deacon in the Alexandrian church,
was an important Christian of the third century who rejected the trinity
and the divine nature ascribed to Prophet Jesus [pbuh]) However, the
charges of deviation from Christianity leveled at this denomination by
other churches led to its abandonment of Arianism and subsequent
adoption of the trinity. This interesting volte-face is today admitted by
members of that church. 1
One of the most noteworthy aspects of this subject is that trinitarian
belief does not appear in the Bible itself. It appears neither in the Old
Testament, the holy book of the Jews, nor in the New Testament, the Christian