Page 29 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 29

he New Testament frequently emphasizes God's in-
                              finite power and might, and describes Prophet Jesus
                            (pbuh) as a messenger of God with human characteris-
            tics. Those few expressions that purportedly support belief in the trinity,

            as we will show below, clearly contradict the New Testament as a whole.
            All of this evidence reveals that trinitarian belief emerged long after
            Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was raised to God's presence. However, first we
            need to look at how the Qur'an, the only source from which people can
            obtain totally accurate information about Christianity and Prophet Jesus
            (pbuh), treats this belief.
                 The Qur'an states that the Gospel was revealed as a confirmation of
            the Torah:
                 And We sent Jesus son of Mary following in their footsteps, confirming
                 the Torah that came bef fore him. We gave him the Gospel containing

                 guidance and light, confirming the Torah that came beforee it, and as
                 guidance and admonition for those who guard against evil. (Surat al-
                 Ma'ida: 46)

                 By proclaiming this revelation, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) corrected the
            errors that had crept into the Torah. The Qur'an, revealed to Prophet
            Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace), states that both
            the Gospel and the Torah are true, but that their original forms have been
            corrupted. One of its verses reveals that the Qur'an confirms and conserves:
                 And   We have sent down the Book to you with truth, confirming and con-
                 serving the previous Books. So juddge between them by what God has
                 sent down and do not follow their whims and desires, deviating from  the
                 Truth that has come to you. We have appointed a law and a practice for
                 every one of you. Had God d willed, He would have made you a single com-
                 munity. But He wanted to test you regarding what has c come to you. So
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