Page 21 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 21

HARUN YAHYA                      19

            God, his submission and obedience to all of our Lord's commands, and
            his superior moral values, are those who abide by those moral values
            and follow the path of monotheism. Our Lord reveals that:
                 The people with the strongest claim to Abraham are those who follow
                 him and this Prophet, and thos se who believe. God is the Protector of the
                 believers. (Surah Al 'Imran: 68)

                 For this reason, Christians and Jews who sincerely believe in God
            must, like Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and those who follow him, turn
            solely to God and adopt his moral values, sincerity, and depth of faith.

            Like his followers, they must be devout believers in God's oneness and
            ascribe no partners to Him. However, the Christians have left this path
            due to their belief in the trinity, which has, in effect, given God two part-
            ners: Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and the Holy Spirit (God is surely beyond

                  What does the error of the trinity mean for Christians?

                 Christianity was born among the Jews living in Palestine. Almost all
            of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) people, including his followers, were Jews who
            lived by the Mosaic law. The most fundamental characteristic of Judaism
            was its uncompromising monotheism.

                 However, after Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) ascension to God's presence,
            Christianity began to assume a very different form as it moved out of the
            Jewish world and into the pagan one. Its traditional monotheism, the
            basis of the Mosaic law, underwent a great change: Due to the belief in
            the trinity, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) began to be regarded as divine. (Surely
            God is beyond all such misguided beliefs and expressions.)
                 The concept of the trinity, the culmination of a long process, refers to
            belief in a three-part God consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy

            Spirit. It has become one of traditional Christianity's most important ele-
            ments of faith, despite its contradiction of monotheistic belief in our
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