Page 41 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 41

HARUN YAHYA                      39

            other side was the celebrated Egyptian priest Arius.
                 Arius was the son of an Egyptian family of Libyan origins who grew
            up in Alexandria, one of the most important cities of the time, and joined
            the Church, becoming a priest in 312. Arius believed in God's oneness and
            preached that the current Church view of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) as God was mis-
            taken. He said that the title the Son of God used to describe Prophet Jesus
            (pbuh) was a metaphor and had nothing to do with his supposed divin-
            ity. To prove this, he pointed to: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be

            called sons of God (Matthew 5:9). He emphasized that this title applied to
            everyone who behaved according to God's wishes, and thus could not be
            limited to Prophet Jesus (pbuh). In one of his works, Arius wrote: "We
                       can all become the sons of God." He also pointed to the
                            prayers of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in the New Testament,
                              which began with  "My God," and said that such
                               prayers showed that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was de-

                                voted to God and, like other people, His helpless
                                servant. Arius also noted that in the New Testament
                               Prophet Jesus (pbuh) frequently referred to himself
                                   as the son of man, and emphasized that this indi-
                                          cated Prophet Jesus' human nature.
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