Page 45 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 45
heaven and on earth; who for us
men and our salvation de-
scended, was incarnate, and was
made man, suffered and rose
again the third day, ascended
into heaven and cometh to judge
the living and the dead. And in
the Holy Spirit. Those who say:
There was a time when He was
not, and He was not before He
was begotten; and that He was
made out of nothing (ex ouk
onton); or who maintain that He
is of another hypostasis or an-
The Council of Nicaea ended in favor of
other substance [than the
the trinitarians after Emperor
Father], or that the Son of God is Constantine threw his weight
created, or mutable, or subject to behind them.
change, [them] the Catholic
Church anathematizes. 7
The first paragraph clearly denies Arianism. The Church of Rome,
which awarded itself the title of Catholic (Universal) Church, declared
the Arians and those who shared the same views to be heretics.
From this time on, the Nicene Creed became the basis of the
Christian faith, and those who opposed it were considered heretics. The
Roman Catholic Church declared that "God has manifested His will in this
council" for which reason the Nicene Creed was regarded as a sacred and infalli-
ble text, just like a revelation. But in reality, this was nothing more than the
Church of Rome asserting its will.
Following the council, the Arianis came under great pressure, and
supporters of Arius who refused to sign the Nicene Creed were anathe-
matized. However, they held out for another 50 years or so, before grad-