Page 49 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 49

ll prophets preached monotheism and had superior
                               moral values and sincere faith. God reveals that His
                             messengers were entrusted with calling their people
                          to monotheism:

                 We sent a Messenger among every people saying: "Worship God and
                 keep clear of all false deities… …" (Surat an-Nahl: 36)

                 After the prophets, however, monotheism was gradually corrupted
            and altered by human beings. Thus, God would send a new messenger
            to recite His verses, warn them of the Day of Judgment and unite them
            again under monotheism. Following the corruption of the revelation
            brought by Prophet Moses (pbuh), Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was sent to call
            his people to God's oneness and to depart from their bigoted traditions,
            abandon their superstitions, and submit solely to God. For example:
                 And when Jesus came with the Clear Signs, he said: "I have come to you
                 with   wisdom and to clarify for you some of the things about which you
                 have differed. Therefore have fear  [and respect] of God and obey me.

                 God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is a straight
                 path." (Surat az-Zukhruf: 63-64)
                 I come confirming the Torah I find already there, and to make lawful  for
                 you some of what was previously forbidden to you. I have brought you a
                 Sign from your Lord. So hhave fear [and respect] of God and obey me.
                 God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a sstraight

                 path." (Surah Al 'Imran: 50-51)
                 When Prophet Jesus (pbuh) began to lead his people and their reli-
            gious leaders, many of whom had departed from the Mosaic Law, in-
            vented their own ideas of what was lawful and prohibited, and

            developed a formalist and bigoted form of religion, they mocked him
            and became hostile:
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