Page 47 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 47
same essence and equal powers. (Surely God is beyond that!)
Another important matter is how belief in the trinity was first put
Among Christians, belief in the trinity is generally seen as being difficult
to comprehend and impossible to understand, but one that must absolutely be ac-
cepted. The reason for this is that the proponents of the trinity also claim
to be monotheists. Yet it is clear that no Christian has ever been able to
explain how trinitarianism and monotheism can exist together. The ques-
tions arising in people's minds have not been satisfactorily answered.
Neither is it possible for them to be. Therefore, they maintain that the
trinity is an article of faith that does not need to be thought about or understood,
for it must be accepted as it stands. For hundreds of years, this has pre-
vented any serious discussion on this belief's clear errors and inconsis-
tencies. To summarize: Belief in the trinity is a matter of blind faith
concerning which any debate or discussion is prohibited.
Many Biblical scholars describe the period between Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) being raised to God's presence and the Council of Constantinople
as the deification of Prophet Jesus (pbuh), the messenger of God. This theologi-
cal concept went through a number of specific stages, at the end of which
it was assumed that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was divine.
(Surely God is beyond that!) This process will be ex-
amined in more detail in later chapters.