Page 51 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 51
and ascent to God's presence, see Harun Yahya, Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
[Istanbul:Global Publishing, 2005]
After his ascent, however, Christianity gradually degenerated with
the belief in the trinity. However, we can learn about the monotheistic rev-
elation that he brought, part of what he experienced during his time on
Earth, and his elevation into the sight of God from the Qur'an, which was
sent to mankind by means of the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless
him and grant him peace) and is valid until the Day of Judgment. It must
not be forgotten that the Qur'an is a divine book whose words cannot be
changed unless God wills them to be changed: "The Words of your Lord
are perfect in truthfulness and justice. No one can change His Words. He
is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing." (Surat al-An'am: 115)
Several verses state that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is not the son of God
(Surely God is beyond that!), but only one of His prophets. Some of these
verses are as follows:
Our Lord Has No Son
The basic logic behind trinitarianism is that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is
the son of God. However, God's names invalidate these claims, for in His
capacity as the Lord of the Worlds, He is far removed from such compar-
isons ignorantly made by human beings. He is unsullied by any flaw or
deficiency. The Qur'an reveals:
It is not fitting for God to have a son. Glory be to Him! When He de-
cides on something, He ju ust says to it: "Be!" and it is." (Surah Maryam:
They say: "God has a son." Glory be to Him! He iis the Rich beyond
Need. Everything in the heavens and everything on Earth belongs to
Him. Have you aauthority to say this, or are you saying about God that
which you do not know? (Surah Yunus: 68)