Page 56 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 56

54      Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not A Son, of God

                   As revealed in the verse, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is a very devout indi-
              vidual who is proud to fulfill his duty of service to God and submit to
              Him fully. All references to his supposed divinity were produced long
              after he was raised to God's presence. Our Almighty Lord possesses
              complete dominion over all beings. Everything apart from Him needs
              our Lord to exist and to survive.
                   God created the universe from nothing. All living things are born

              and die, and everything has an allotted life span. There is nothing in the
              universe that will not come to an end one day, nor any living thing that
              will not finally die. As the Qur'an reveals, however, "God is the First and
              Last" (Surat al-Hadid: 3). In other words, He has no beginning and no
              end. He existed before everything and will continue to exist after every-
              thing. Before the universe and its contents were created, there was only
              God; after the universe and its contents cease to exist, there will be only
              God. God, the Creator of life and time, is independent of all features of

                   God created the concepts of space and time, and thus decrees that
              human beings should be bound by them. No person can know what will
              happen a day or even an hour later. When He decrees a thing, however,
              He knows what its end result will be, regardless of how far in the future
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