Page 58 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 58

56      Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not A Son, of God

                   Everyone in the heavens and Earth belongs to Him. Those in His pres-
                   ence do not consider themselvess too great to worship Him and do not
                   grow tired of it. They glorify Him by night and day, without evver flag-
                   ging. Or have they taken deities out of the earth who can bring the dead
                   to life? If there  had been any deities besides God in heaven or Earth, they
                   would both be ruined. Glory be to God, Lorrd of the Throne, beyond what
                   they describe! He will not be questioned about what He does, but they
                   will be questioned. Or have they taken other deities besides Him? Say:

                   "Produce your proof! This is the message of those with me and the mes-
                   sage of those before me." But most of them do not know the ttruth, so
                   they turn away. (Surat al-Anbiya': 19-24)
                   The fact is that We have given them the truth and d they are liars. God
                   has no son and is accompanied by no other deity, for then each deity
                   would have e gone off with what he or she created, and one of them would

                   have been exalted above the other. Glor ry be to God above what they de-
                   scribe, Knower of the Unseen and the Visible! May He be exalted abov ve
                   all they associate with Him! (Surat al-Muminun: 90-92)
                   Prophet Jesus (pbuh), a devout human being who believed fully in
              Our Lord's attributes, also believed in God's infinite might and ascribed

              no partners to Him. It is revealed in the Qur'an that Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
              is the servant of God:
                   He [Jesus] said: "I am the servant of God, He has given me the Book and
                   made me a Prophet." (Surah Maryam: 30)

                   It is revealed in another verse that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is mortal,
              and that like all other human beings He will be resurrected in the
                   Peace be upon me the day I wa as born, the day I die, and the day I am
                   raised up again alive." (Surah Maryam: 33)

                   God created him, gave him an allotted span on Earth to preach
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