Page 57 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 57
it will occur. Therefore, His decrees are always the truest, the best, and
the wisest.
All things in the universe will one day cease to exist. A human being
is born, lives, and inevitably dies at the end of his or her limited lifespan
in this world. This is also true for all members of the animal and plant
kingdoms. Every living thing will die and will return to the ground. Our
Lord, however, is Everlasting and exists at all times. Eternity belongs to
Him alone.
Human beings need constant care and interest throughout their
lives. They spend much of their lives looking after their own bodies,
making sure that they are clean, fed, and get enough sleep. God, on the
other hand, has no such worries. As the Creator of all living and non-liv-
ing things, He is Everlasting, Omniscient, and Almighty. He has no need
of anything; rather, He gave various needs to those things He created
and then told them to be aware of these needs, serve only Him, and seek
everything from Him. A person's duty is to turn to God in the knowledge
that he or she can continue to live and have his or her needs met only if
He so wills. God reveals, with examples of the greatest wisdom, that He
is the one God: