Page 42 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 42

40      Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not A Son, of God

                   As the priest in residence at Baucalis, a district of Alexandria, Arius
              communicated these ideas to a wide audience. Due to the consistence
              and convincing nature of what he said, and also to his modest and simple
              lifestyle, those who listened to him easily accepted his ideas. However
              Bishop Alexander of Alexandria, who was loyal to the Church in Rome
              which regarded Prophet Jesus as the son of God, not in the metaphorical
              sense, but as a true deity (Surely God is beyond that), became uneasy

              with such ideas. After failing to convince Arius to alter his opinions, he
              initiated a fierce assault against him. He described this in his own writ-
                   This movement has spread ever wider, to all of Egypt, Libya and
                   Upper Thebes. At this, we too met with the bishops of Egypt and
                   Libya, and cursed this movement and all its followers at an assem-
                   bly of around a hundred people… 5
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