Page 25 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 25

Adnan Oktar                        23

            unbelievers’ lives. So, whatever blessings people may
            have cannot give them a sense of real security and con-
            tentment. This, in fact, is Allah’s mercy toward His ser-
            vants, for by this means they can understand that only
            believers who submit themselves to Allah can find true
            happiness and contentment, and thus submit themselves
            to Him.
               By understanding the dangers of unbelief and the beau-
            ty of faith, those who can see the wisdom in Allah’s crea-
            tion will be delivered from deprivation in this life as well as
            from the unimaginable misery that they would have had in
            the life to come. Therefore, readers must understand what
            is meant by “the spiritual and material blessings that the
            unbelievers consume in this life.” This will be examined in
            the following chapters. People who read the introduction
            and look at the chapter titles may think that this book is not
            meant for them for various reasons: They may think that
            they can take pleasure in life, other people, nature, and this
            world’s beautiful things, or that they are somehow immune
            to the anxiety and depression described herein. However,
            we would like to remind such people that even a cursory
            consideration of this matter could be of benefit to them. If
            you carefully consider these pages, you will see that in
            what they relate, there is a lesson for everyone to learn.
               Some people may become inured to their situation over
            time and think of it as normal, not realizing that they may
            be leading a life bereft of many pleasures and beautiful
            blessings that Allah has created for them. The reason why
            most people have never enjoyed these blessings is

                                  Harun Yahya
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