Page 26 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 26
because they are satisfied by this life’s ordinary and basic
pleasures and may believe that there is nothing more.
However, it is possible to derive a deeper pleasure from
every blessing, for the pleasure derived varies with the per-
son. In addition, people may think that they have already
experienced enough pleasure from this life’s blessings and
good things, or that they have taken more than their fair
share. In other words, they believe they do not need to be
reminded. Others may never have experienced this great-
er, deeper joy within themselves or in others because no
one has told them that such things exist. But now that they
are reading these pages, Allah will make them aware of the
possibility of losing their blessings in both worlds and
show them how to avoid this loss. Up to this point, you
may well have been unaware of this issue. But now, after
having acquired this knowledge, you will be responsible for
thinking about it seriously and making a sincere effort to
overcome any deficiency in your thinking.
People may not be in this spiritual state all the time. But
they must not let this mislead them. If they are only occa-
sionally wearied by life’s routine aspects, grow bored with
life; and think that life has no meaning, such discontent
should be enough to make them seriously consider what is
being said here. Remember that consuming and losing
pleasures in this world is only the beginning of an eternal
darkness in the world to come. In the next world, this mis-
ery will not be limited only to being unable to properly
enjoy the blessings. Being unbelievers, such people will
experience a much deeper misery. But for believers, the