Page 30 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 30
their house is not luxurious with a sea view, a rose garden
and swimming pool, or if it does not have the latest décor.
Their anxiety does not cease even if they do finally
obtain what they covet, and they do not want to share them
with others. If a friend or relative asks for money, they worry
that their fortune will diminish. Sometimes they fear that
they will lose something, because they know that a disaster
could strike them at any time. Divorced from the Qur’an’s
morality, they do not consider Allah’s power and that what-
ever happens to them comes from Him to test them.
But believers never suffer from such anxiety, for they
are always aware that they are with Allah and that this
world is a testing place designed to show their trust in, and
faithfulness and submission to Him. For this reason, they
are content with whatever happens and with every situa-
tion and condition that He has created for them, and take
pleasure in them. They demonstrate the same spiritual
state in their environment, whether they live in a small cot-
tage, a mansion, or a palace. They are not concerned
about the structure’s architecture, materials, colors, size,
style, or how long they have lived in it.
All of these things are blessings for everyone. However,
believers place importance on something beyond these,
and it is this that makes them happy and content: living
according to the Qur’an’s morality. Of course they want
their houses to be as beautiful, modern, and esthetically
pleasing as possible, because they look at their surround-
ings with the eyes of belief. In addition, since their ability to
see beauty and appreciate detail is greater than that of