Page 32 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 32
Looking carefully at the professional lives of those who
do not follow the Qur’an’s morality, we can see that, for
them, working has become a trouble and a vicious circle.
To reach their jobs on time, they have to get up early,
which means that they must sleep early. And then there is
all the time that they have to spend to get to work, bathing,
eating, cleaning, running errands, and meeting all of the
countless needs of daily life. Seeing that they have at most
maybe a couple of hours each day to really enjoy them-
selves, they become angry and depressed.
This situation is a great source of discontent for them,
as are the usual difficulties and worries in professional life.
Such negativity starts during their university years, for all of
us have heard media reports about new graduates giving
way to despair because they cannot realize their goals or
dreams. Not realizing that everything comes from Allah and
is for their own good, they become anxious and worry
about whether they will find a job, earn lots of money,
advance in their career, and other such matters. These
people do not realize that everything happens under
Allah’s control and so, they find it very tiring and depress-
ing to go from door to door looking for a job and being
rejected. And after all these wearying efforts, often they
wind up accepting a job they do not want. They are unable
to find the kind of employment they dreamed of in their uni-
versity days. And instead of securing the kind of position
they want, they are forced to accept a job that has no
appeal for them. Because they cannot do the tasks they
hoped and planned to, their second-choice work becomes