Page 36 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 36
And so, no matter what they do, if they perform it in the
hope of winning Allah’s pleasure, and if they keep on doing
so until the end of their lives, they will never get bored or
lose their enjoyment in doing it again and again.
No matter how long they do that deed, their love and
desire for earning Allah’s favor will cause them to constant-
ly create new and beautiful things on their horizon. Having
rooted their morality in fear of Him, they form close rela-
tionships and friendships with those around them; have no
desire for rank, position, or money; and are never jealous
or anxious.
They cannot enjoy entertainment centers
Some people who are attached to this world know that
life is short and so want to make the most of what time
they have. There is nothing wrong with this, for Allah has
endowed this life with so many good things so that we can
enjoy them and thank Him. However, unbelievers think that
they can obtain these good things through non-Qur’anic
means and then enjoy them. By using methods of their
own, or the techniques used in society in general, they
assume that they can enjoy the best pleasures this Earthly
life has to offer. One of these methods is “entertainment.”
But since they define entertainment according to their life-
style and moral character, they cannot enjoy it properly, for
“Only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find
peace” (Surat ar-Ra‘d: 28).
Apart from this, it cannot matter what a person does.
Even if he discovers the best and most colorful entertain-