Page 40 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 40
worry that they will have to account to Him in the Hereafter,
and so think, behave, and react according to their own
ideas and principles; ignore all guidelines and limits except
for their own opinions; and look for gain. For all these rea-
sons, it is impossible to feel truly secure and comfortable
wherever people with no faith in Allah meet together. How
can anyone truly relax and enjoy themselves in such a dan-
gerous and tense environment? Moreover, even though
they know that they cannot enjoy themselves as they
would like to, they do not want to understand that their
problem comes from their lack of belief. They look for the
solution in other forms of entertainment, but without suc-
cess. Regardless of where they go, they encounter the
same anxiety, tension, and boredom. Even if they seem to
be enjoying themselves from an observer’s point of view,
from what we have said, it’s clear that they can find no
spiritual contentment or tranquility. Allah calls our attention
to this fact:
No one disputes Allah’s signs except those who do not
believe. Do not let their free movement throughout the
land deceive you. (Surah Ghafir: 4)
Do not be deceived by the fact that those who do not
believe move freely throughout the land. A brief enjoy-
ment; then their shelter will be Hell. What an evil rest-
ing place! (Surah Al ‘Imran: 196-197)
Allah sends this misery to the unbelievers and does not
allow them to enjoy themselves so that they will be con-
sumed with disappointment. If believers find themselves in
a similar environment, they remain content in the knowl-