Page 39 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 39

Adnan Oktar                        37

            there do not follow the Qur’an’s morality and therefore are
            not content. In an environment filled with envy and rivalry,
            people cannot really enjoy themselves. This can take place
            only in a natural, intimate, friendly, and secure environ-
            ment. However, they can hardly be content if they are con-
            stantly looking for faults in others and humiliate other peo-
            ple by criticizing their shortcomings. It’s obvious that peo-
            ple who socialize with one another mainly to vent their
            envy and rivalry cannot enjoy any of their shared meals,
            their conversations, listening to music together or dancing.
            Instead, they will totally wear themselves out, both spiritu-
            ally and physically. This is a fact that they themselves can-
            not deny.
               Besides, the environment in which these ignorant peo-
            ple socialize is open to all sorts of dangers. No matter how
            carefully they make sure to select only entertainment of the
            highest quality, like it or not, they are forced to endure the
            company of people from segments of society quite differ-
            ent from their own. These people may have perverse atti-
            tudes, dark pasts and criminal personalities; they may be
            addicted to drugs and alcohol. This, of course, creates a
            tense atmosphere for those who only want to enjoy them-
            selves. Therefore, being in the company of people they do
            not know – about whose past, lifestyle, moral character
            and personalities they know even less – makes it impossi-
            ble for them to be comfortable enough to enjoy them-
               People cannot feel safe in such an environment,
            because none of them fear and respect Allah. They do not

                                  Harun Yahya
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