Page 44 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 44


            in outdoor sports, hiking, or shopping. The table in the res-
            taurant may not be the best, but there are friends to talk to
            sitting at the next table. They remain calm in all of the sit-
            uations mentioned above, for reacting to them negatively
            only makes them miserable. Knowing this, they adopt a
            positive and mature attitude toward such circumstances.
               In fact, unbelievers are unhappy even when they are in
            a perfect environment, for their spiritual corruption, inner
            discontent, and non-Qur’anic moral character prevents
            them from enjoying those blessings. If they do not know
            how to thank Him for what they have or how to look posi-
            tively at everything that happens; if they are intolerant and
            unforgiving of other people’s mistakes; and if they are not
            self-giving and modest, they will never be able to enjoy any
            of His blessings. But if they have the fear and respect of
            Allah in their hearts, they will possess all of these good
            moral qualities and Allah will enable them to experience the
            joys of this life.

               Being bored with their possessions

               In the Qur’an, Allah tells us that His blessings do the
            unbelievers no good:
               So leave them in their glut of ignorance for a while. Do
               they imagine that, in the wealth and children We
               extend to them, We are hastening to them with good
               things? No indeed, but they have no awareness. (Surat
               al-Mu’minun: 54-56)
               Unbelievers may spend their lives surrounded by
            wealth, beauty, honor, fame, and respect. But none of
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