Page 45 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 45
Adnan Oktar 43
these things does them any good or becomes a blessing
for them, and they will only experience increased agony in
both worlds. On the surface it seems that Allah gives them
blessings, but He does not enable them to enjoy them.
Therefore, even though the blessings are all around them,
they are, nevertheless, deprived of them. A person can
possess everything he wants, but it becomes a great mis-
ery for him not to be able to enjoy what he already has.
We must remember that they know the reason for this:
their failure to abide by the Qur’an’s morality. They vehe-
mently deny this, of course. And instead of seeking the
solution in faith and taking refuge in Allah, they try to
escape their boredom by changing their habits, attitudes,
social circles, friends, and the places they frequent. They
hope that then, everything will be all right again, and they
will have saved their lives from emptiness and their hearts
from uneasiness. We have all heard people around us say
things like the following: “I want to start a new life,” “I’ll
start from zero,” and “I’m going to wipe out the past and
turn over a new page.” Even if they manage to start com-
pletely new lives, however, they cannot find the meaning,
excitement, or happiness that they are seeking. For exam-
ple, they take painting or sculpture art lessons, thinking
that it will give them pleasure to create works of art that
express their personality. But they soon discover that any
such pleasure is not forthcoming. They try everything to
boost their egos, find adulation among their peers, and
earn a good reputation in their society. They attend meet-
ings, accept a position in a charitable organization, go to
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