Page 47 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 47
Adnan Oktar 45
out of style or they see it on someone they do not like or,
even worse, a rival. The outfit abruptly loses its appeal and
becomes a source of irritation. In much the same way, see-
ing someone wearing nicer clothing than theirs makes
them quite miserable. No matter how nice their own outfits
are, they are worried that they are no more than ordinary,
which makes then unhappy. Their habits, social activities,
material means, or possessions will not make them happy,
and their constant search for more will make them even
more miserable. When they realize that they have really
consumed and wasted all of this life’s pleasures, they gen-
erally get “angry at life.” Unwilling to solve their problems
through belief, they remain mired in confusion and unhap-
piness. Therefore, in spite of all their efforts, they remain
confused and unhappy. However, if they practiced reli-
gious morality, they would have a joy deeper than they
could imagine.
Believers see this very clearly in their lives. Having
escaped from boredom and anxiety, they find their spirits
deepening more every day and thus acquire an even bet-
ter understanding of the value of the blessings that Allah
bestows upon them. Their joy and contentment increase,
for they understand that these blessings are manifesta-
tions of Allah’s mercy, love, and kindness toward them.
Because they live their lives totally for Allah, use their every
advantage to win His favor and do everything to please
Him, they continually experience the same deep joy and
excitement. In the Qur’an, Allah reveals the enduringly
tranquil spiritual state of those who have faith in Him:
Harun Yahya