Page 46 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 46
who will be the source and representative of all evil and
strife. However, the antichrist may not actually be a human
being; rather, this person may be a system or an ideology
that represents a way of thinking or practice that is against
religious moral values. Many hadith contain a great deal of
information about the antichrist, and several verses refer to
the antichrist's morality and system. This individual's
emergence is reported as being one of the End Times' major
Abu Hurayra narrated: "There are three things that, when
they are manifested, will be of no benefit to the faith of a
person who did not have faith before: the antichrist, the
beast, and the sun rising in the west." 19
Abu Hanifa said this about the hadith that refer to the
antichrist and other signs:
The emergence of the antichrist and of Gog and Magog is
a reality; the rising of the Sun in the west is a reality; the
descent of Jesus (pbuh) from the heavens is a reality; and
all the other signs of the Day of Resurrection, as con-
tained in authentic traditions, are established realities. 20
In addition to the signs of the antichrist's coming, the
hadith also reveal his characteristics in considerable detail:
The antichrist will cause people to turn away from the true
path, portray good as evil and evil as good, deceive those
who follow him with so-called blessings, oppress those
who fail to obey him, wreak confusion upon the world, en-
courage conflict, oppose religious moral values, and seek to