Page 48 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 48
turn people away from those values. The antichrist's time
on Earth will be one when true believers experience many
troubles and difficulties, and when most people turn away
from religious moral values.
The antichrist's emergence will have a profound effect
on the whole world, and will be the source of developments
that will inflict many catastrophes and troubles upon hu-
manity. Since his main target will be religious moral values
and true believers, the period in question may be a particu-
larly difficult one for the believers. In addition, many peo-
ple will believe in his deceptions and follow him. Such an
environment will have to be opposed by all people of good
conscience and believers. In addition, they will have to
wage a powerful intellectual struggle against this environ-
ment, one in which, by Allah's will, they will be victorious.
However, the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him
peace) revealed that this individual's wickedness will be on
a scale never before seen in history, and warned believers to
avoid it:
I tell you these things so that you may understand the sit-
uation and not fall into his snare, and so that you may tell
those who come after, because his wickedness is the
worst wickedness of all. 21
This advice, as well as his prayer for shelter in Allah
from the strife caused by the antichrist, is a guide for Mus-
lims. Muslims from different sects and races ask Allah dur-
ing their five daily prayers to protect them from the an-