Page 50 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 50
tichrist's evil. As the hadith reveal, the prayer that our
beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him
peace) taught to believers is as follows:
Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)
stated that: "When one of you finishes his prayer, let him
seek Allah's protection from four things by saying: Oh
Allah, I seek your protection from the suffering of Hell,
the agony of the tomb, the wickedness of life and death,
and the wickedness of the antichrist." 22
The fact that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and
grant him peace) taught this prayer to his followers in per-
son and recommended that they say it during the daily
prayers shows how important the question of the antichrist
is for believers. We know that after their daily prayers, Is-
lamic scholars also added the words Allahumma ajirni min
fitna al-Masih al-Dajjal wa al-Sufyan (O Allah, protect me
from the wickedness of the antichrist and the sufyan).
Aware of the immense scale of the antichrist's evil, Muslims
seek Allah's protection with this prayer in their own daily
prayers. This shows that Muslims are spiritually prepared
for the antichrist. However, the most important preparation
to be taken against the antichrist is exactly the one that must
be taken to prepare for the Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) coming.
In one respect, the second coming will manifest the
fact that this prayer has been heard. This is because the ha-
dith reveal that the antichrist's wickedness can only be done
away with by the Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) return to Earth, and