Page 55 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 55


                                       HARUN YAHYA

                  by atheistic ideologies will perhaps be worse than in any

                  other. The spread of violence, terror, cruelty, fraud, false-
                  hood, immorality, conflict, and poverty all over the world
                  shows that the world is full of "wickedness."
                       All of this cruelty and degeneration is gathering
                  strength from the superstitious system established by those
                  who deny Allah's existence and oneness and who do not be-
                  lieve in the Hereafter. Moreover, it is growing and spread-
                  ing. In the face of this, Muslims need to eliminate the ideo-
                  logical sources that make up this environment's foundation
                  and encourage this degeneration through intellectual argu-

                  ments. One of the most important ways of doing this is for
                  Muslims to struggle in a spirit of oneness and unity.
                       This intellectual struggle is a major responsibility for
                  all Muslims. In addition, those Muslims who are awaiting
                  his return must abandon their internal disagreements and
                  differences of opinion in order to establish unity and soli-
                  darity. No doubt, it would be a grave error and a terrible
                  evil for the Muslim world to become mired in its own inter-

                  nal problems.
                       Muslims who fully live by the Qur'an's moral values
                  and follow the Sunnah of our Prophet (may Allah bless him
                  and grant him peace) must behave in a cohesive manner,
                  bring a spirit of cooperative solidarity to the fore, and re-
                  mind the Muslim world that all Muslims are "brothers and
                  sisters in religion." In fact, our Lord tells Muslims to act in a
                  spirit of unity and union:
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