Page 56 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 56


                                         ADNAN OKTAR

                         Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together, and do not sep-

                         arate. Remember Allah's blessing to you when you were en-
                         emies and He joined your hearts together so that you be-
                         came brothers by His blessing. You were on the very brink of
                         a pit of the Fire, and He rescued you from it. In this way,
                         Allah makes His signs clear to you so that, hopefully, you
                         will be guided. (Surah Al 'Imran:103)
                         Furthermore, by Allah's will, this alliance will be one
                    of the main stages in the intellectual destruction of atheistic
                    ideologies. In the Qur'an, our Lord mentions this alliance
                    and reveals that the believers must enjoy friendly relations
                    among themselves and help each other if the wickedness in
                    the world is to be eliminated:

                         Those who do not believe are the friends and protectors of
                         one another. If you do not act in this way, there will be tur-
                         moil in the land and great corruption. (Surat al-Anfal:73)
                         If the Muslims can set aside their differences and divi-
                    sions, remember that they are "brothers" and "sisters," and
                    live by the proper moral values brought about by this spiri-
                    tual unity, they will set an example to the whole world and
                    provide an entirely suitable environment for Jesus (pbuh).

                         When Jesus (pbuh) returns, the Muslim world must
                    have already turned its internal cultural and traditional dif-
                    ferences into elements of enrichment, eliminated the nega-
                    tive influence of atheistic ideologies upon it, and joined to-
                    gether in unity by living according to the Qur'an's moral
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