Page 54 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 54
pare the groundwork for the great intellectual struggle that
the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will wage after his return, and
must prepare themselves to support him. The information
provided in the Qur'an and the developments described in
the hadith indicate that one of history's most important pe-
riods is approaching.
Those who will enjoy the honor of living at such a his-
toric time should feel great excitement at this prospect and
should be aware of the scale of their responsibility. One of
the first things that such people have to do is to prepare
themselves and those around them for the Prophet Jesus'
(pbuh) return.
How Should We Await the Second Coming
of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)?
The current state of the world shows us which subjects
we need to give priority to as we prepare for this glorious
event. This is a period when the damage inflicted on society