Page 53 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 53


                                       HARUN YAHYA

                         that when the antichrist sees the Prophet Jesus
                         (pbuh), "he will dissolve like salt in water." Some of

                         the hadith reveal how the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will
                         scholarly eliminate the antichrist, as follows:
                             As the antichrist spreads evil through the world,
                             Allah will send the Messiah, Jesus (pbuh), son of
                             Maryam … Jesus (pbuh) will meet the antichrist
                             at the gate of Ludd [near Jerusalem] and eliminate
                             him [spiritually make him ineffective]  23
                             When Allah's enemy [the antichrist] sees him, he
                             will dissolve like salt in water. Although he
                             would dissolve until he has been completely de-
                             stroyed, even if left on his own, Allah will still
                             [spiritually] destroy the antichrist by the hand of
                             Jesus (pbuh)…   24
                             Jesus (pbuh) will soon return, and will then [spir-
                             itually] destroy the antichrist the malicious, the
                             inauspicious one. 25

                             Therefore, it is a matter of the greatest impor-
                         tance that all believers and those who wish to be
                         protected from the antichrist's evil should fully sup-
                         port the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and strive to prepare
                         the best possible environment before he actually re-
                             On the one hand, Muslims must uncover the
                         antichrist's wickedness and deceptions and wage an
                         intellectual struggle against those elements that
                         comprise the ideological foundations of the an-
                         tichrist's system. On the other hand, they must pre-
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