Page 221 - Siyonizmin Felsefesi
P. 221


             D‹PNOTLAR                          25. Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Reli-
                                                gion, Londra, Pluto Press.
                                                26. Theodore Herzl, The Complete Diaries of
             1. Israel Shahak, Jewish Fundamentalism in Is-  Theodore Herzl, cilt 2, s. 711
             rael, Londra, Pluto Press, 1999, sf. 27  27. Yosef Heller, The Struggle for the State:
             2. Ibid.                           Zionist Diplomacy of the years 1936-48 (Je-
             3. Tractate Berakhot, s. 58b; Israel Shahak, Je-  rusalem 1985, Jewish Agency  protocols,
             wish History, Jewish Religion, s.23.  Hebrew);
             4. Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religi-
             on, s. 93.                         after-s13.html#FN43
             5. Maimonides, Guide, "Murderer", 4, 11; Is-  28.  Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Reli-
             rael Shahak. Jewish History, Jewish Religion, s.  gion, Londra, Pluto Press, s. 9
             80.                                29. Ha'aretz, 24 A¤ustos 1985
             6. Maimonides, Guide, "Idolatry". 10, 1-2; Is-  30. Cengiz Çandar " Irak ve 'Türkiye dostu'
             rael Shahak. Jewish History, Jewish Religion,  Amerikan fiahinleri..." Yeni fiafak, 3 Eylül
             ss. 80-1.                          2002
             7. Maimonides. Guide, Kitap III, Bölüm 51;  31. Cengiz Çandar, Ortado¤u Ç›kmaz›, s. 37
             Israel Shahak. Jewish History, Jewish Religion,  32. Ralph Schoenman, The Hidden History of
             s. 82.                             Zionism,
             8. Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religi-  deast/english/zionism/ch02.htm
             on, s. 84.                         33. Gilad Atzmon, The End of Inn›cence, Co-
             9. Kitab-› Mukaddes, I. Samuel, 15:1.  unterpunch Weekend Edition, 3 A¤ustos 2002
             10. Maimonides, Guide, "Prohibitions on Se-  34. The Guardian, 5 Temmuz 2002
             xual Intercourse", 12, 10; "Goy", Talmudic  35. Ian Gilmour, Israel's Terrorists, The Nati-
             Encyclopedia; Israel Shahak, Jewish History,  on, 21 Nisan 1997
             Jewish Religion, s. 87.            36. Ma'ariv, 8 Ekim 2000
             11. Maimonides, Guide, "Prohibitions on Se-  37. Rachelle Marshall, Palestinians Come Un-
             xual Intercourse", 12, 1-3; Israel Shahak, Je-  der Siege as They Struggle for Independence,
             wish History, Jewish Religion, s. 87.  The  Washington Report, Ocak-fiubat 2001, sf.
             12. Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Reli-  8-9
             gion, ss. 88-89.                   38. The Economist, 7 Mart 2002
             13. Ibid., s. 36.                  39. Yücel Demirer, Sibel Özbudun, ‹syan›n
             14. Ibid., s. 37.                  Ad› Filistin, Ankara, Ütopya Yay›nlar›, 2002,
             15. Warren Kenton, Zevben Shimon Halevi  s. 174
             Kabbalah : Tradition of Hidden Knowledge (Art  40. Jonathan Freedland, "Israel set on tragic
             and Imagination), Paperback, 1980.   path, says chief rabbi", The Guardian, 27
             16. von Julius Nestler, Papus.  Gerard  A¤ustos 2002
             Encausse,  Die Kabbala, Einführung in die  41. Jonathan Freedland, "Israel set on tragic
             jüdische Geheimlehre, Fourier, 1975.   path, says chief rabbi", The Guardian, 27
             17. Eli Barnavi, A Historical Atlas of Jewish Pe-  A¤ustos 2002
             ople, Londra, Hutchinson, 1992, sf. 1  42. Charlotte Halle, "Local British rabbis
             18. Roger Garaudy, Siyonizm Dosyas›, sf. 193  stand behind Chief Rabbi Sacks", Ha'aretz,
             19. LenniBrenner, In the Age of Dictators,  30 A¤ustos 2002
     43. Charlotte Halle, "Local British rabbis
             ner/ch02.htm#n3                    stand behind Chief Rabbi Sacks", Ha'aretz,
             20Lenni Brenner,  The Iron Wall, http://  30 A¤ustos 2002
     44. Ramuz El Hadis, cilt 1, 84/8
             ruszion.htm                        45. Ramuz El Hadis, cilt 1, 76/12
             21.  46. Sidney Fox, Klaus Dose, Molecular Evolu-
             22.  tion and The Origin of Life, New York: Marcel
             23.  Dekker, 1977, s. 2
             24.  47. Alexander I. Oparin, Origin of Life, (1936)

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