Page 109 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 109
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
The word "programmed" Dawkins uses has the kind of magical effect
we've been talking about. He uses this word frequently in his books; in The
Selfish Gene, for example, he analyses the phenomenon of altruism from an
evolutionary point of view: "It may just be more difficult to learn altruism
than it would be if we were genetically programmed to be altruistic." 58
Throughout his book, Dawkins speaks constantly of creatures being pro-
grammed and analyzes their behavior based on this idea. But he cannot an-
swer questions about who did the programming, how creatures were pro-
grammed and what the purpose of this programming is. According to
Dawkins, there is a program of which the programmer is unknown. If some-
one asked Dawkins, and those who share his mindset, who created the pro-
gram, they would probably reply—to perpetuate the Darwinist spell—that
it's a "miracle of nature."
Someone whose awareness isn't clouded by Darwinism's spell can eas-
ily understand that nature could not encode in the genes of living creatures
the millions of bits of information it contains; no creature in nature possesses
one bit of this information by its own will that it can encode in another being.
Obviously, it is Allah, with His supreme power and knowledge, Who
created the genetic information in every creature. But someone under the in-
fluence of the evolutionist spell does not understand this. The veil over his
eyes means he cannot see the plain truth. In the Qur'an Allah gives us many
examples of this spiritual state. It tells us that throughout the course of his-
tory, there have been those who could not see the obvious fact of Creation.
Allah reveals this outright inability to understand in the following verse:
As for those who disbelieve, it makes no difference to them whether you
warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe. Allah has sealed up
their hearts and hearing and over their eyes is a blindfold. They will have a
terrible punishment. (Surat al-Baqara: 6-7)