Page 113 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 113
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
studied from an evolutionary angle, until today we are enabled to see evolu-
tion as a universal and all-pervading process. 60
As the above examples show, their goal is to persuade the public that
evolution is a universal principle and a process that encompasses every-
thing. Therefore, they rate everything from economy to the marriage as a
matter of evolution. At the same time, this method lets evolutionists cast
their spell over every area of life. For example, when speaking about tech-
nological operations or the development of computers, at any moment they
can stop what they are saying to make a comment devoid of all scientific
meaning such as, "This is a fine example of the process of evolution." Any
thinking person, free of the evolutionist spell, can easily understand that this
comment is like a Communist ideologue saying, "Marx was right again: The
dollar has lost value in relation to the German mark." Surely, Marxist ideol-
ogy has nothing to do with the dollar and the German mark, just as the sup-
posed process of evolution has nothing to do with computers.
Method # 10: They use scientifically unwarranted
topics and discoveries as proofs of evolution
Darwinists loyal to their theory present scientifically unwarranted top-
ics to the public as if they were facts. For example, a presenter takes a sim-
ple fossil bone; for hours he discusses the complex information revealed by
various markings on the bone; he gives the bone a Latin name that most peo-
ple cannot pronounce, together with exhaustive information about the an-
cestors and the lifestyle of the person to whom the bone belonged. Ordinary
people are very impressed by his presentation. Listeners assume he knows
a lot about the bone's provenance and authenticity and that everything he
says rests on scientific evidence. But the truth is otherwise; the presentation
is nothing other than a deceptive game with supposed proofs.
Just like a sorcerer, an evolutionist takes bones into his hand and cre-
ates the illusion that it can reveal many secrets about the evolutionary
process. But actually, he has no proof that can let him make any assertions.