Page 108 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 108
An Evolutionist's Ploy
nother example of evolutionists' demagoguery came from Umit Sayin, again in
Athe magazine Bilim Utopya. After providing a brief list of a few books printed
in the past and criticizing evolution, Sayin's article went on to give a longer list of
twenty or so books under the heading "A few books written by scientists in response
to Creationists." He then resorted to an infantile logic, "Evolutionists have many more
publications, so evolution must be true." The fact is that even in the last few years, a
large number of works and studies by American, German, Israeli and Australian sci-
entists have appeared, showing—with scientific data and methods—that the theory
of evolution is a hypothesis whose validity has been disproved by all branches of sci-
ence. These books have left not a single evolutionary scenario unanswered and un-
demolished. There is, therefore, no need for thousands of books and studies to state
that the myth of evolution is totally fictitious. Just one small paperback can under-
mine many volumes promulgating evolution. The simple fact that not even a single
protein could ever materialize by chance is enough to refute evolution completely.
Some of the Books
Published by Creationists
Some of the Books Scientists
Wrote in Response to Creationists