Page 103 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 103

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

                 The reality stated in Behe's words is quite clear: Evolutionists give no
            clear answer to questions about life's real origins, because it's impossible to
            answer these questions in terms of evolutionary processes and random
            stages of development. For this reason, they ignore their deficiencies and
            continue to perpetuate the Darwinist spell. They fill their publications with
            irrelevancies, decorative illustrations and Latin words that have nothing to
            do with proving evolution. In this way, they obscure their explanations of
            basic subjects and trust that they have deceived people.

                 Method # 7: Darwinists resort to every kind of

                 rhetorical device to get people under their influence
                 As we have often pointed out, one of Darwinists' main characteristics
            is their skill in rhetorical demagoguery. They are very deft in their use of
            language and word games. It may seem as if they are saying a lot, whereas
            they are actually stating nothing of substance. In spite of the hours they

            spend in their conferences, they cannot utter a single word to substantiate
            their theory. They aim to make people believe them by releasing an
            avalanche of complicated words and explanations, thereby creating the il-
            lusion that what they say follows along scientific lines.
                 Darwinists go into detail about geology, genetics, medicine and other
            areas that have nothing to do with the basics of evolution. They discuss
            these issues at such length, in such a weighty manner that they put their lis-
            teners into a stupor. They insert evolutionist explanations into subjects that
            have nothing to do with their theory, creating the impression that they are
            actually relevant to their topic and support their propositions. For instance,
            they deliver long-winded speeches about recent developments in genetics.
            But in what they say, there is nothing to support the theory of evolution.
            Despite this, they end their articles or lectures by saying, "You see, the sci-
            ence of genetics provides important evidence for the theory of evolution,"
            in this way, giving the impression that genetics corroborates evolution.

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